Hi. I'm Edgar Pinales.
Founder of Buildmy.Page
Let me show you how Buildmy.page can help you convert viewers ➡ leads ➡ customers.
Show me!Let me show you how Buildmy.page can help you convert viewers ➡ leads ➡ customers.
Show me!Our system is designed to get you from point A to point B without having to learn any complicated tech.
Our Brand Audit process will allow you to deliver the Perfect Message to your ideal customer or client.
We create all of your campaign Assets so you can focus on servicing your clients or customers.
We handle the upkeep required to run a successful social media presence!
Here's a break down of our system's process
We find out what you offer
We set the foundation of your campaign
We agree on your campaign direction
We set up your call to action page
We create your Landing Pages
We set up your follow up sequences
We integrate your Social Media
Curation, syndication & posting
Tracking and adjusting for effectiveness